
ERASMUS+ Key action 2: Capacity Building in the field of youth The Young Side of the Moon

The project
The project “The Young Side of the Moon” is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union, Key Action 2 Capacity building in the field of youth. 

Italy(Caltanissetta), Senegal (Ziguinchor), India (Vijayawâda), Vietnam (Hanoi), Kenya (Kisumu). 

Countries involved 
Italy, Senegal, Kenya, India, Vietnam, Latvia, Greece, Cyprus 

General objective 
To engage youth workers from EU and Partner countries to step up into leadership roles in their local and global communities as agent and multipliers for sustainable codevelopment and growth. 

Specific objective
To enhance the socio-professional development of youth workers and organizations to respond to identified community needs and global challenges affecting young people Worldwide. 

Results achieved
- N. 48 youth workers from EU and Partner Countries equipped with key competences and tools on Project Cycle Management and community development. 
- Strengthened the capacity of youth workers and organizations involved to delivery community based project addressing young people. 
- Strengthened international cooperation and the exchange of experiences on youth work and community development between different World countries. 

Mobility of youth workers
The project include different mobility activities of youth workers: 
- A Training Course in Italy, Caltanissetta, 20-28 February 2015, involving 28 youth workers from Italy, Senegal, Kenya, Vietnam, Latvia, Greece, Cyprus. 
- A Job shadowing in Senegal, Ziguinchor, 20-28 April 2015, involving 5 youth workers from Italy, Greece, Senegal. 
- A Job shadowing in India, Vijayawada, 20-28 June 2015, involving 5 youth workers from Italy, Cyprus, India. 
- A Job shadowing in Vietnam, Hanoi And Ha Giang Province, 30 August - 8 September 2015, involving 5 youth workers from Italy, Latvia, Vietnam. 
- A Job shadowing in Kenya 28 October to 6 November 2015, involving 5 youth workers from Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Kenya. 

The final booklet "The young side of the moon: youth workers and community development around the World.
The booklet is intended as a learning resource to support community development in the frame of youth work, specifically targeting youth workers that are engaged in community work with disadvantaged young people. Overall it aims to provide inspiration and guidelines to provide youth workers with knowledge, key competences and practical tools needed for the development and delivery of community-based projects that responds to identified young people community’s needs. PCM is combined with a creative approach experimented by Prism, which is based on use the concept album of Pink Floyd entitled "The Dark Side of the Moon".

The booklet gives also an inside look to youth work and community development as experienced in different regions of the World: Senegal, India, Vietnam, Kenya.

To download the booklet:

The project video

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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